Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back design

I received some overwhelmingly bad response for the back design. Oh sad. Anyway there's so many different opinions I'm about to die. Here's the latest back design as suggested by the guys.

I haven't add in Mengyee and Edmund's face btw. Cause I very lazy to draw now. Is it okay?

And please me some suggestions for the base colors. So far I think like only Selena Tracee Blanche Calvin Jiejie Abby Desmond and Hianchong replied me? If only these people reply then we'll just go along with what these people says kthx. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Front and Back respectively... can?

Things to note:
Material: Jersey
Base color: White (if no objections we'd go with this)
Back: Maroon/blood red + black
Front: just the words 08S412.

PLEASE SMS SHARON YOUR SHIRT SIZES (and if you're fine with what you see). All suggestions are welcomed!!!!!!

The photo is the one taken on National Day by Ms Gunawan. Desmond is missing cause he was at Odac or what I think. Also our new classmates Mengyee and Edmund are missing. Will be photoshopping them in so I'd appreciate if you guys send me your pictures quick.

I (and Sele Blanche Trace Cal) will be going to print the shirt on Sunday so hopefully we can wear it on Chinese New Year! WOO!!

Okay bye! Muack muack. HAHAHA.